Friday, April 26, 2013

Your Inner Guru

“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.”…….Ralph Waldo Emerson
  Since we are friends I am going to let you in on a little secret.  Well really it is far from little and really, it is rather important.  Each of spends hours, days, weeks and years of our lives attempting to be more than we believe we are. We want to be better. We want to achieve, succeed and try to fit in and be the best we can.  We seek out those whom we think will show us the way and lead us down our desired path.  They are the leaders in their fields, experts, teachers, masters and gurus.  They have achieved so they must know the magical formula to get us from here to there. The truth is you may think that you need a parent, an elder, teacher, or guru to transport you to that place, but they are simply our tour guides.  The quest for knowledge, change and the willingness to do the work comes from within.  The teacher sparks the interest with their stories, words and insights but the student’s desire is the fuel that ignites the flame and facilitates the growth.
  This is how the dictionary and conventional wisdom defines a guru.

gu·ru 1. Hinduism. a preceptor giving personal religious instruction. 2. an intellectual or spiritual guide or leader. 3. any person who counsels or advises; mentor: The elder senator was her political guru. 4. a leader in a particular field: the city's cultural gurus.
  Throughout the years there has been an unwritten set of criteria, a spectrum so to speak, in which we compared and compartmentalize ourselves in relation to others. Within it lies a hierarchal chain of status.  We need to fit into one of them and we crave acceptance. It is human nature to do so.  Each and every day of our lives in some shape or form we seek acceptance.  Validation is part of the human experience. If your thoughts and beliefs are accepted, well, then, so are you.  Ultimately, the truth is, we are stronger, wiser and much more resilient than we realize.
  We are conditioned to revel in those who have achieved.  The athletes, actors, pop stars, etc.  The media continues to inundate us with their successes, whereabouts, homes, vacations and love lives.  From where we sit they have it all. They are better than us.  So many people spend their lives aspiring to be like those who have achieved these perceived successes. Or at the very least we strive to be more successful than our peers.  But for what, where is the payoff? 
“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”…Buddha
  In our infancy we rely on those who are older, larger and wiser to guide and more importantly protect us. Readily and comfortably submissive we long for strong arms to embrace us and tender hearts to gently guide us.
       When a child attempts his first steps their parents are their constant companions.  They are there to hold their child’s hand and steady their gait.  The goal is to support the child but then the time comes when we must loosen our grip and allow the child to venture out unassisted. It goes without saying that the child will stumble and fall, but after the tears they pick themselves up and garner knowledge from the missteps.
  It is the same when you are ready to undertake any new task, hobby or interest. If you want to learn to play golf you take lessons from a pro.  If you want to learn to draw or paint you seek out an artist. If you want to learn to play an instrument you seek out a musician and if you are seeking a spiritual experience you seek out a guru. It is inevitable that you will stumble, fall or at eh very least, misstep. In the infancy of our appointed journey we too look for guidance and someone to steady us along the path.
    Below is the answer to the secret that I promised to share, so gather in close and pay attention……
 Study the spelling of the word guru.  It contains four letters, g-u-r-u.  Gee you are you!  All that we seek resides within.  It always has and it always will. Validation and acceptance are the keys that unlock what our heart desires.   So often we lose sight of it, but each of us holds our own power. No one can take from us what we refuse to relinquish.   Simply find within that place of comfort, hold onto it, revel in it and discover that ultimately all along…… gee you are you!!!
  And once you connect and align with your inner guru remember to smile because when you do the world smiles back at you.


  1. listen to the great teacher that resides within! Something I remind myself and my students to do in each class! Well said, sister!

  2. Kathy - thank you for sharing...well said...we strive so hard to be someone else we are not from within! Awesome picture - the world is smiling at you! Roni

  3. Kathy,
    I think we all need to realize that you never know what you can accomplish until you try... and you need to listen to the voice within yourself because only you can make it happen... and if for some reason it doesn't happen then it wasn't meant to be, but at least you tried!
    Thank you for this helpful blog... always appreciate your words and pictures... :)

